Let’s start with our antique appliance, with a $1000 retail value, and a weekly rental of $100.
Week 2 will be 50% off (or $50). Weeks 3 & 4 are 75% off (or $25). So generally speaking, the month always works out to twice the weekly price (or $100+$50+$25+$25 = $200), or as we like to say around here, two weeks gets you the month!
The 75% off continues for the remainder of weeks 5-8, which brings you to an even $300. Month 3 switches to a monthly billing schedule of 80% off (or $20). After 6 months your rental would be $500. Even after a year it would still come in well under the retail price, and never resets!
As for our beautiful couture gown, our Costume Dept. bills monthly right from the very get-go! Let’s assume the same rental price of $100 for month 1.
Month 2 will be 25% off (or $75). Months 3-6 are 50% off (or $50 each month). Months 7 and beyond are 75% off (or $25 each month) and it never resets from there!